19 Jul '17: ATC AGM 2017

ATC AGM ’17 - Registration as a Non-Profit
As communicated in the ATC Newsletter, dated 4 and 5 July 2017, the ATC Annual General Meeting for 2017 will be held on Wednesday, 26 July 2017, at the Green Point Cricket Club at 19:30.  The meeting will start right after the Track session, which will also be the 5 Km Club Time Trial for July.


1)       Welcome
2)       Feedback
3)       Changes to the ATC Constitution:  Amendments required for NP Registration.
4)       Garmin Forerunner 935 draw.
5)       General
6)       Closing
Please click below to RSVP, or to raise any matters to be discussed at the AGM:


Formal registration as a Non-Profit

The ATC Committee has taken the decision to formally register ATC Multisport as a not for profit voluntary association for public benefit.
This stands as a milestone in the history of ATC and will ultimately assist in the financial sustainability of the club and in particular, our development efforts.
To this end we have welcomed the voluntary assistance of an ATC Member, with expertise in this field, along with a non-profit lawyer, both of whom have offered their assistance pro bono.
This assistance has already provided extremely useful information, in terms of recommended changes to our constitution.  These changes will reflect the relevant requirements of the Tax Act.  The proposed changes are summarised below:
·         A number of the changes are merely re-arranging what is already in our constitution but are required to state our Sole Purpose and Values more clearly.
·         We need to state the minimum and maximum number of committee members.  This is currently implied but not stipulated.
·         We need to make provision for the club to remunerate certain positions, such as the Secretary or Development Officer.  Our current constitution does not specifically prevent remuneration but it doesn’t specifically permit it or state how the remuneration sum will be determined.
We will distribute the exact proposed changes to all members this weekend and request that any objections or comments please be communicated to us before the meeting, either by return email or through the RSVP link provided above.

ATC Committee

The current ATC Committee members will all be serving their second year in 2018 so there will be no need to vote new members onto the committee.


Win a New Garmin Forerunner 935!

We have a brand new Garmin Forerunner 935 Tri-Bundle to give away through a fund-raiser competition for the ATC Development fund.  The competition is already running and this awesome prize will be awarded at our AGM.   Whet your appetite by viewing the specs of this incredible device on-line and then get ready to play.
To play, purchase your ticket from Tri SPaza for R50.  You can also buy tickets (cash or card) at our bi-weekly Track sessions on Tuesday Mornings and Wednesday evenings.
Once you've bought your ticket, find out in what year the Atlantic Triathlon Club was established and post the phrase below on one or all of these social media channels:  FACEBOOK, TWITTER and / or INSTAGRAM
"I'm in with a chance to win the new @GarminSA Forerunner 935 with @ATCMultisport, #Establishedyyyy"   (yyyy = the year that ATC was established).
For Facebook you will need to like the Garmin and ATC Multisport Facebook Pages in order to tag them in posts.  For the other channels you can use the tags as shown above. 
You can also create your own phrase if you like, as long as it contains the mentioned tags and hashtags.
The competition will end at the ATC AGM 2017 and Club Time Trial, to be held on Wednesday 26 July.  The winner will be drawn from valid ticket holders, who are paid up ATC Members and who have posted the above phrase on at least one of the mentioned social media channels.  You do NOT have to be present at the draw in order to win the prize.
Do some homework by viewing our About Us Page.
We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday!
ATC Committee